our history

Masjid Annoor was established by Himilo Charity, in 2005, to meet the local Muslim community’s, religious and social needs.

Masjid ANOOR was rented centre, where has been running and funding by local Muslim community; Rent and running cost was always covered by individuals through donations and collection in the Masjid and sometimes outside.

 The centre has been serving for the local Muslim community since 2005.

About Us

Masjid An-noor was established by Himilo Charity organisation to meet the local Muslim community’s religious need. Over the last couple of years, demand for our outstanding facilities has grown steadily and a variety of activities and provision are in place, including:

 The five daily prayers including Jumma prayers.

 Taraweeh prayer during Ramadan.

 Daily Islamic, Arabic and English classes for children as well as for adults on week days and at weekends.

 Regular circles of different Islamic subjects.

 Monthly Family fund days.

 Activities for children, youth and ladies.

And more.

Our Aim

To keep the location as a permanent Masjid
with continuous Thawab for the donors, we aim
to purchase the building.

 A place of worship, thus, getting reward from
Allah (SWT) by setting up one more of his place
of worship.

To encourage, spread and maximise the
teaching of Islam

To relieve local community from the ongoing
monthly donations and the continuous
demand to pay rent.

To cater for the various